THIS Is The BIGGEST Diet Trend Of 2018

Loss Soup Recipe You Need

January is here which means you'll probably have started drawing up a long list of New Year's resolutions that you have every determination of sticking to. There might be a certain place or activity on there, mixed in with a few other things like be nicer or do a good deed a day, but there is usually one that will crop up time and time again - lose weight. Snacking on some pomegranate can have you feeling lighter in no time. Research published in BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine reveals that rats who were fed a high-fat diet in conjunction with pomegranate supplements lost more weight and body fat while restoring serum lipid levels and reducing oxidative stress in the brain. Studies also suggest that antioxidant-rich pomegranate can help reduce LDL cholesterol and lower blood pressure, increasing blood flow and lowering your risk of erectile dysfunction.

I agree with Nicky, breakfast being the most important meal of the day sounds like a breakfast cereal makers slogan! Don't bother if you're not hungry. I think that avoiding processed food is the main rule, that way you avoid the excessive sugar and chemicals associated with most low-fat (processed) "healthy" foods. Thirty years ago low-fat high carb was the food advice given to combat the obese epidemic. That advice has made matters worse, obesity and diabetes continue to rise at an even faster rate and no one seemed to be asking why.

There are numerous benefits of chia seeds and this superfood can be had with your tea. Dugarr advises that for weight management, start from choosing a good quality green tea. Chia seeds in green tea will keep your stomach filled and keep you from craving more food. Chia seeds are also rich in antioxidants, fibre, protein, and minerals which complement the metabolism enhancing properties of green tea, which in turn takes care of your weight concerns," he adds.

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